Friday, February 10, 2006

First Kiss

It was Monday,first day of the week.Never was Rahul more happy to be waking up early...His ten years 10+2 years in an all boys school,had made him rather lazy to wake up,get ready and go to school. Yes,he could not help but he had fallen in love with Fiona his only friend."It's been two months the lectures are getting awfully boring..",said Rahul."Yup, then y'd u attend?",Fiona said as if to start a conversation.She would always have to find out something wrong on what Rahul said,maybe she liked troubling him."To give you company",said Rahul."Aww...thats so sweet of you",murmered Fiona as she hugged Rahul."Next year we will not be together",said Fiona."Dont worry",said Rahul,"I will change my class next be with you",as they both watched the rain outside.........
As they were standing there watching the rain,they turned toward each other, no words had been spoken, as if the rain had taken away their ability to talk. They looked into each other's eyes and still without saying a word, they stepped toward each other,they embraced and then their lips met; soft, warm, moist a totally sensual moment, but being so young,they had only the vaguest idea what sensual was.Their lips stayed together a long time, the rain falling in these huge drops. Finally they parted and they both knew that THE THING had finally happened for both of them.Rahul and Fiona's First Kiss..........unforgettable.
Note:The characters are fictitious and bear no resemblence to anyone living or dead.